Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stupid School Buses

For those of you who want to know, even though I have already told alot of people about it, it's sometimes good to remember the good times, even if this time wasn't so good at the time.
One day in 7th grade I was on my way to Spanish Fork Middle School on my bike, and on the way there I have to pass in front of the Spanish Fork Junior High School. So, I approached the place where the school buses leave, (I can't remember what it's called) and a bus was comming out to leave and go to other schools I guess, it stopped, I stopped, then it all happened so fast, I don't know exactly how, but the next thing I knew, I was looking at the bottom of the bus repeatedly saying "crap." Then I reached up and pulled myself out from under the bus and sat on the curb, as if nothing had happened, that's when the driver came out and yelled at me "What do you think you're doing?" I just looked at him, saying nothing.
Then some people were gathered around me asking if I was okay and one guy was checking my head for anything, I dunno, and also there was a girl there too, and I must say, she was quite pretty, I don't know if it was because I was just run over by a bus, or she really was, but I tried not to stare. The guy asked if I wanted to use his cell phone to call my dad, so I did and I can't remember exactly what I said, but it could be along the lines of "Hey, dad, could you come down here?" I don't think I said what had happened. In the meantime, I was just sitting there looking at the people driving by, and some of them were my neighbours, I just waved at them as they drove by looking at me. When my dad finally got there, I stood up and waited for the ambulence to come, I don't remember what we did to pass the time, probably talked to the bus driver, I do remember the remaining kids getting off the bus and looking at me and under the bus at my bike.
When the ambulence came, one of the nurses stepped out and asked "Where's the vitcim?" Me being that young kinda freaked out because I only thought that victims were dead people. But I stepped forwards and they took my blood pressure and what not. As most people know, the cops go where ambulences go, or vise versa, but still, the a cop was there and my dad talked to him and the bus driver, (they had their own little trianlge of talk) and I just stood around, I think the bus driver asked me if I was alright, I said I was, and I think it was then or later when he told me this but I'll write it now anyway: The driver was telling me that as he was pulling out, he heard a sickening crunch or other noise, that made him feel sick, and that's when he stopped.
So the insurance company was supposed to give me $200 for a new bike, guess what? I never got anything! Quite maddening If you ask me. So now, I think I will say how I think I was positioned under the bus: first of all, I was wearing my backpack, (even the one I still have now, for those of you who have seen me wear it) which was packed full of books and papers, so that helped save my life, kept my head up from hitting the ground or something. And my right leg was sorta jammed onder the front right tyre of the bus, but thank goodness, nothing was broken, but I did have an invisible bruise on my leg, I call it invisible because there was not visible bruise on my skin, and there was nothing on the X-ray, no fracture or anything, but I did limp for a week or so afterwards. I have no idea how my bike ended up where it did, it was so mangled I am so glad I wasn't, my mom took pictures of it afterwords, the tyres were bent like tacos and I had a really nice gel seat cover, but what was left of it was like someone spilled green jello out of the bowl, it got bad road rash. So at home, my mom gave me the choice to go to school or stay home and go to the doctors, of course I stayed home, getting run over by a bus is a dang good excuse to stay home. At the doctors I got the X-ray that was fine, so we went home and I think I just watched TV for the rest of the day. My mom called to excuse me and later she told me that the secretary already knew about some kid getting run-over, but didn't know who it was, and she got all excited that it was me.
The next day at school, my English class was all over me asking me what happened and so I told them, which they liked the story. Then later near the end of the day, my TLC teacher was telling me what his reaction was when he heard that it was me, he said that he freaked out and the class was also freaking becuase he told them it was me, so that was yet another class that already knew about me. But there were also some kids who knew nothing about it, I tried to have one of my friends guess what happened to me, he had no idea, so I had to tell him, but he didn't seem so excited as the secretary.
There you have it, the infamous story of me getting run-over by a stupid school bus.
P.S. Later on in my life, in 9th grade, I was telling my class this story and one of the kids was kinda mad at me becuase the driver was her grandfather, and I forgot to mention that he was fired from his job, but now if I had anything to say about it, I would let him keep his job, it was just an accident, I found out where buses' blind spots are and now I keep away from them as much as possible. Oh yeah, I forget alot of things, but this isn't part of the accident part, but afterwords when the rest of my family knew about it, my cousins sent me a card with a bus on it and two Hot Wheels buses, I still have them, one is pretty cool, it's got surfboards sticking out the back. THE END

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